Things You Don’t Realize While Having Alcohol Abuse

Things You Don’t Realize While Having Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol, the most commonly used addictive substance, can cause irreversible harm if consumed in excess

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 Things You Don’t Realize While Having Alcohol Abuse

It is a medication mainly used for maintaining anesthesia. It has an effect which induces trance-like state and provides pain relief, sedation, and some memory loss.


Things You Don’t Realize While Having Alcohol Abuse

There were some cases of ketamine abuse due to which it was placed on the list of controlled substances in the US in 1999. Lets understand more about ketamine and how long does ketamine stay in your system

Chemical Imbalance

Chemical Imbalance


In combination, the depletion of pleasure chemicals and the stimulation of stress chemicals create a persisting chemical imbalance that leaves the alcoholic vulnerable to relapse. Hoping to suppress the dark feelings aroused by CRF, alcoholics drink more but the more they drink, the more CRF is produced.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

 Diminished Mental Health

Mental Health

The physical health risks of drinking are well known, but the ones less talked about are the mental health consequences. These are real and significant and seem to be getting worse. For instance, the number of people admitted to hospital with an alcohol-related behavior disorder has risen in the last ten years. Anxiety and patterns of self -destructive behavior swinging between thinking “I was the most important and the most worthless person on the planet and many more were observed.

Sexual Impotence And Infertility

Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction refers to trouble getting or maintaining an erection. It can make it difficult or impossible to have intercourse.Infertility is the inability of women to reproduce by natural means.


Sexual Impotence


One reason why men and women suffer from these reproductive inabilities is the excess of alcohol, which reduces the sperm count in males and also affects the muscles of the penis making erection difficult. On the other hand in females, due to different physiological structure, a woman’s body tends to absorb alcohol faster and in more quantity leading to inhospitable conditions in the uterus.

Impact On Family And Loved Ones

Overconsumption of alcohol leads to aggression, which is caused because of the increased levels of testosterone in the body and also lost touch with reality. Domestic violence and child abuse are some cases very commonly heard of because the man usually comes home drunk and hits his wife recklessly.

Impact On Family And Loved Ones


Alcohol is a breaker of families and a killer of humankind’s efficiency and productivity. There are many ways of letting go of this habit and lead a happier life. For those who drink for the sole purpose of relief and relaxation must be made aware that by performing Yoga and regular exercises, a proper routine and a balanced diet they can have a stress-free happy life.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.