How to Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction During Coronavirus Pandemic

How to Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction During Corona virus Pandemic

Many people around the world have resorted to consuming alcohol and drugs as a means of coping mechanism to overcome their feelings of isolation from the world.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 How to Overcome Alcohol and Drug Addiction During Coronavirus Pandemic

Many people around the world have resorted to consuming alcohol and drugs as a means of coping mechanism to overcome their feelings of isolation from the world.While this lockdown situation may develop extreme alcohol and drug consumption in many, one must know that consuming alcohol and drugs will not protect you from contracting COVID-19.



In fact, it may have an even more severe impact on COVID-19 patients during the coronavirus pandemic.Consuming alcohol and being a drug user has already been proven to be detrimental to health. It is known for its risk in the increase of violence and injury and, at times, alcohol poisoning and drug overdose.However, one must also know what prevention measures can be taken to overcome this addiction and how one can cope during this pandemic lockdown without the use of alcohol and drugs.

How Alcohol Use and Drug Abuse Have Become A Coping Mechanism for Many During The COVID-19 Pandemic.During the coronavirus pandemic, the purchase and consumption of alcohol and drugs have been made easier as if they are shopping for groceries. As people have entered into social distancing and self-isolation, there has been a surge in alcohol and drug use.It is a time of great challenge, and self-restraint is considered ambiguous.


Especially if you are in the recovery process. Chances of you relapsing might be high given that alcohol and drugs are addictive substances.When one sees the harmful effects it causes the user of such substances, we cannot help but wonder why a person would want to live a life being dependent on mere things like alcohol and drugs? Why would they want to cause themselves bodily harm when they can live a healthy life being by their family’s side? Why would they put them through such pains of losing themselves every time they relapse or are drunk or high on drugs? One increases their fatality rate as consumption of these substances weakens ones immune system that is necessary to fight this deadly virus.


As mentioned above, drinking alcohol and consuming drugs is not going to prevent you from catching the virus, nor is it going to protect you from it. Hence, stocking up on booze and marijuana while in quarantine will do more harm than good. It has the ability to cloud your judgment, alter your thoughts, and change your behavior. As a result, it will lead to violence, alcohol and drug overdose. You may also end up hurting your family and the people you love.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

 Relationship Between and Impact of Alcohol Use, Drug Abuse and COVID-19 Pandemic

Alcohol, itself, is responsible for around 3 million deaths annually over the world. It has both, short-term and long-term effects on a person’s body that does not include any protective health benefits against the coronavirus. On the other hand, drug overdose contributes to a more substantial and more significant portion of yearly deaths.


As the virus directly targets your lungs, there is no guarantee that an alcoholic or a drug addicted individual will recover. It is reported by many health care departments around the world that alcohol and drugs deplete your ability to fight with certain diseases. Even if you have stopped the consumption, there is a high chance that you may relapse again if you start the intake again.

There is also a surge in cardiovascular diseases among those who inject themselves with drugs or cocaine. And it poses a high chance of contracting pulmonary damage through methamphetamine drug constricting the blood vessels, thus interfering with one’s immune system. Hence, when the immune system is compromised, COVID-19 becomes deadly.


It doesn’t matter whether you are taking legal drugs like tobacco or illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine, the implication of the coronavirus will remain the same. They disrupt the lungs and the heart, and when you get infected by the virus, they cause inflammatory reactions on these organs that are already damaged over the years that coming back from it is very difficult.

Symptoms of Withdrawal in Alcohol and Drug Addiction

a) Alcohol Withdrawal:Getting rid of alcohol addiction is hard. However, one must be able to recognize the symptoms that this addiction brings with it. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include serious blows of anxiety, clammy skin, pupils become dilated, you experience fatigue, you have trouble sleeping – insomnia, mood swings become frequent, and in worse cases, you get seizures.


b) Drugs Withdrawal: These drugs are highly addictive, and the potential of a person of relapsing is very high than alcohol. These stimulants put the smokers or the addicted person into a state of euphoria. Cutting it from your system is quite hard, considering these illicit drugs have a physical and psychological dependence on a person.

On the other hand, illicit drugs like marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, and opioid have a different set of withdrawal symptoms that also include a change in appetite, decreased sex drive, problems in digestion, weight loss, nausea, extreme dizziness, memory loss, social isolation, paranoia, nightmares, hallucinations, etc.These drugs are highly addictive, and the potential of a person of relapsing is very high than alcohol.


These stimulants put the smokers or the addicted person into a state of euphoria. Cutting it from your system is quite hard, considering these illicit drugs have a physical and psychological dependence on a person.

Health Care Workers and The Need for People to Seek Help

Health care workers are occupied continuously by treating coronavirus patients as soon as they are tested positive for it that they don’t have time to treat other conditions like these. Hence, they put more weight on the fact that people need to be careful and avoid certain circumstances that will put them in more danger during this pandemic.


Ever since the pandemic, it has been reported that many individuals are now reluctant to seek help from professionals as they are without proper health insurance policy. They are left with lesser support, whether financially or professionally, which puts them at a significant disadvantage.

What Preventive Measures Can Be Taken to Avoid Alcohol and Drug Abuse During Coronavirus Pandemic, and Best Ways to Cater to The Withdrawal Symptoms?

As stressed upon previously, it is not a hidden fact that during stressful times and isolation, people tend to increase their consumption of illegal drugs, alcohol, and substances. The addicted might become more dependent on them, and those who are getting help might relapse to substance use and alcohol if proper measures are not taken to mitigate the effects.


Staying Healthy

In order to prevent the increased risks associated with such addictions, one should try to stay healthy as much as possible. You need to eat well, drink loads of fluids, and exercise regularly. Increase your intake of Vitamin-C. Get a check-up done for potential coronavirus disease if you feel any symptoms, whether mild or harsh.


Wash Your Hands After Dealing

Although one advises against dealing drugs, but always wash your hands before and after you handle your drugs. You must be aware that the virus can spread from any surface. Thus, be mindful of the cash and the package that comes from the person you are dealing with. Hence, it is imperative that you disinfect them and conduct a proper hygiene protocol at home.


Decrease Your Dosage

Lastly, if you are a person that is addicted to alcohol, drugs, and substance use, decreasing your dosage slowly but gradually might help your body adjust to these new changes.



However, you might also start to feel withdrawal symptoms if you have been an avid drug user in the past. If that happens, it is safe to say that you must get into contact with your general physician, a counselor, or some specialist that deals with such cases. These people can better guide you on the best course of action that you should take, given your condition and circumstances.

Move Forward and Seek Help

During these tough times, it is better to avoid such habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle that will help you and your loved ones prevent the deadly impact of coronavirus. One should not fear seeking help and don’t delay going on medications that will help you relieve this habit and be there for your family.


Despite the stress, we need to understand that living a life without such addictions is much more fruitful than living a life always being dependent on it. Think about your family, your close friends, and the people that care about you. When you consume alcohol and drugs, you are not only harming yourself but also setting a bad example for your children and young adults of your community. They may look up to you and see you as an inspiration.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.