Jennifer Olson, USA, Sober Since August 2016, Was An Alcohol Addict
When I was about 13, I didn’t like who I was. I was insecure and using made me feel like I could be anyone. I don’t know how but I started having alcohol and later I tried drugs, I was so excited when I abuse drugs. Thus, the endless journey toward drug and alcohol started which demolished my life.
At first, it was exciting and freeing untell it became controlling, and I was obsessed, and it had me in chains.
After I had lost everything more times than I care to count, seen jails and institutions, tell one day it hit me I only have my life nothing else to lose, and I almost forgot that a few times. I realized I couldn’t do it anymore.
I finally accepted I was an addict and I surrendered to a higher power, and the NA program got a sponsor worked the steps did service work gave back.
Life is life… I can accept it for what it is. Good and bad. I have had to deal with overdose suicide struggles all sober. I did that shit. Something I never thought possible. I am living my life a day at a time working a full-time job being with my kids being responsible for learning to grow up…to be the best human I can be. And knowing I never have to use again is a fantastic feeling.
Every addict can lose the desire to use and find a better way of life… There is hope. Your life matters. Everyone’s sobriety starts with the 1st hr…take it a day at a time… I love you and God bless you.
Be A Fighter. Fight With Addiction. Be Sober…Be The Change