Jennifer Olson’s Sober Story

Jennifer Olson’s Sober Story

Many many congratulations!Jennifer, for your recovery from alcohol addiction.
You are so brave that you fight with alcohol addiction and overcome. You have
inspired many people to get sober and we wish you a happy journey towards
your new life.

Personal Information

Jennifer Olson, USA, Sober Since August 2016, Was An Alcohol Addict

How did your addiction start?

When I was about 13, I didn’t like who I was. I was insecure and using made me feel like I could be anyone. I don’t know how but I started having alcohol and later I tried drugs, I was so excited when I abuse drugs. Thus, the endless journey toward drug and alcohol started which demolished my life.

What was your experience when you were under the influence of drugs/alcohol?

At first, it was exciting and freeing untell it became controlling, and I was obsessed, and it had me in chains.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

When did you reach the point where you felt its time to fight addiction?

After I had lost everything more times than I care to count, seen jails and institutions, tell one day it hit me I only have my life nothing else to lose, and I almost forgot that a few times. I realized I couldn’t do it anymore.

How was your journey towards sobriety?

I finally accepted I was an addict and I surrendered to a higher power, and the NA program got a sponsor worked the steps did service work gave back.

How does life feel now?

Life is life… I can accept it for what it is. Good and bad. I have had to deal with overdose suicide struggles all sober. I did that shit. Something I never thought possible. I am living my life a day at a time working a full-time job being with my kids being responsible for learning to grow up…to be the best human I can be. And knowing I never have to use again is a fantastic feeling.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

What message would you like to give to people who are struggling with drug/alcohol addiction?

Every addict can lose the desire to use and find a better way of life… There is hope. Your life matters. Everyone’s sobriety starts with the 1st hr…take it a day at a time… I love you and God bless you.


Be A Fighter. Fight With Addiction. Be Sober…Be The Change


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Resident: USA
Sober:Since August 12, 2016
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