Smart Recovery

Smart Recovery

Smart recovery is a recovery training or self-management program. It’s a non-profit international support group for individuals recovering from alcoholism and other addictions.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 Smart Recovery – A Recovery Community

Drug addicts have some treatment programs to return to a successful and drug-free lifestyle. The rehab centers are helping everyone to get out of the addiction of alcohol or addiction as per their need. Among all these treatments programs their lies smart recovery?

What Is A Smart Recovery?

Smart recovery is a recovery training or self-management program. It’s a non-profit international support group for individuals recovering from alcoholism and other addictions. The interesting fact of this group is that it is wholly designed for helping all the drug addicts suffering from mental disorders. Smart recovery helps people in spending their life successfully after rehab. It teaches the members to make healthy and best choices.



Smart recovery is introduced as an alternative of 12-step program that helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, cocaine addiction, gambling addiction and addiction to other activities and substances.All the mental stress and anxiety the patient is facing while recovery is all resolved during this smart recovery program.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

 Purpose Of Smart Recovery

The sole purpose of an intelligent recovery program is to support individuals who have chosen to abstain. The one willing to consider abstinence from any addictive behaviors, substances or activities is welcomed in this program. By this approach, the patients are taught how to change self-defeating thinking. The people can learn how to control emotions and actions, and to work towards long-term satisfaction and quality of life through smart recovery.

Behavioral Addiction Treatment:

Behavioral addiction tends to destroy your well-being. Without realizing that behavior or activity can end up leaving us with severe addiction, we continue to do that for pleasure. We come to know the consequences when it is too late, and we are dependent on that behavior. But the good thing is that the behavioral addiction can be treated.


No one wants to get himself indulged into addictive behavior. This type of addiction may develop due to hormonal imbalance, compulsive behavior or genetic heritage. So, you do not need to take it personally and get help from a professional.

Working Of Smart Recovery Program

The primary focus of smart recovery groups is self-control and self-empowerment. Various smart recovery meetings and other support resources are provided to all the members for staying motivated after rehab. It prevents cravings and helps you live a balanced life.The smart recovery works on various topics like:


a) Setting achievable goals and milestones throughout the recovery.


b) Showing self-responsibility, self-impulse, and self-discipline during recovery from material abuse.


c) I am learning how to resist urges to drink or act on negative behavior.


d) Applying SMART Recovery studies and resources to all day situations.


e) Replacing self-destructive thoughts with rational, healthy beliefs.


f) Being patient with the recovery journey.


f) At smart recovery meetings, relapses are not taken as failures. Instead of starting over in the recovery process, this program sees a relapse as an occasion to talk about what happened and how to get rear on track.

SMART Recovery 4-Point Program

The information taught in smart recovery is based on a 4-Point Program. Each aspect of the program benefits a person to develop a safe, sober and healthy lifestyle after rehab treatment.


The individual points of the smart recovery 4-Point Program are here.


Point 1: Cope With Urges:SMART Recovery programs help you recognize calls and learn how to cope with them. Every person handles situations differently. Consider what is satisfactory and unacceptable to you, and set up limits based on that information. Barriers can include avoiding alcohol-related events, eliminating harmful relationships from your life and steering clear of potential relapse triggers.


Point 2: Build And Maintain Motivation: After inpatient or outpatient alcohol rehab, it is essential to focus on ways to motivate yourself to keep yourself sober. Attractions to drink are part of the recovery process. It is up to you to determine how you will handle specific situations and overcome impulses. Visiting counseling sessions, talking to other sober peers and establishing a support system can help you stay encouraged.


Point 3: Live A Balanced Life:The best hit at long-term sobriety involves committing yourself to a healthful and stable lifestyle. It consists in staying away from alcohol and drugs, eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep and holding a positive mindset. Make sure you set downtime each week to do the things you appreciate most.


Point 4: Manage Feelings And Actions:Replacing negative thoughts with positive and uplifting faiths can make a significant distinction in your recovery journey. The smart recovery process is filled with many highs and lows. However, the way you wish to view these positions can make a huge difference in your continued sobriety.

Smart Recovery Meetings

The smart recovery meetings last anywhere from 60-90 minutes, are free and are open to anyone. These sessions focus on self-empowerment and decision. The meetings do not use labels like alcoholic or addict. A meeting can be conducted anywhere having from 3 to 12 people, sometimes a few more, and all participation is optional having drug issues.


The smart recovery meetings are covered by able volunteers. This is a time for each person to discuss any success or challenges they had in fasting from their behavior and discuss their progress on any life goals they have set.

Smart Recovery And 12-Step Program

Both the programs are much helpful for overcoming addiction. Both have some similarities and dissimilarities, and it’s up to you to decide what is best for you. What fits you the most you can select either smart recovery or 12-step program. Find Best Rehab Centers Nearest You.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.