Jennifer Olson, USA, Sober Since August 2017, Was An Alcohol Addict
Pain medication from a back injury which progressed into heroine spent two years homeless refusing all help 22 years of active addiction.
Wishing I would die which would be an easier way out of my addiction… tried intentionally OD several times
When my spirit utterly broke along with all the degradation that comes with using
Very difficult in the beginning but I refused to go back to the spiritual death I caused myself
It’s still life on its terms but I’m back in contact with the God of my understanding who will never leave me, and I learned tools how to deal with life‘s issues through the eyes of recovery
No matter how hard it gets, holds on, it does pass!!.. surrender and cry out to the god of your understanding for help.
Be A Fighter. Fight With Addiction. Be Sober…Be The Change