Are Rehab Centers Really Effective?

Are Rehab Centers Really Effective?

Rehabilitation for drug and alcohol abuse is the gold standard in the field of addiction recovery. Those struggling are forced to seek treatment and courts often mandate inpatient or outpatient care for those who face legal troubles due to substance use.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 Are Rehab Centers Really Effective?

It is a medication mainly used for maintaining anesthesia. It has an effect which induces trance-like state and provides pain relief, sedation, and some memory loss.


Are Rehab Centers Really Effective?


There were some cases of ketamine abuse due to which it was placed on the list of controlled substances in the US in 1999. Lets understand more about ketamine and how long does ketamine stay in your system

Does Rehab Work?


Yes, it does! But the most significant factor is your dedication to it. Rehabilitation is successful for many affected individuals, leading to years of sobriety and happy living. Recovery is a deeply personal journey that functions differently for different people.


You can imagine a patient who goes through rehab to appease family members has minimal incentive to get the most out of the program and equip themselves with the ability to avoid relapse. For those who wish to get sober rehabilitation offers a potent combination of resources designed to provide support, care, and guidance throughout the challenging period.These include:


a) Medically-supported Detox-Boasting both oversight and access to prescription medicines necessary.

b) Group and individual, counselling to help patients come to terms with addiction and learn healthier coping methods.

c) An engaged peer environment with them users can grow together.

d) Access to hostile treatments, like yoga, prayer, sports and acupuncture.

e) Throughout aftercare programs to keep users engaged in sobriety even after completing treatment programs.


Unlike the struggles that come with attempting to quit drugs alone, a treatment centre provides time to time access to doctors, nurses, and counsellors to make the journey a little easier.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

How Can You Tell If Drug Treatment Is Effective?

Drug Treatment Is Effective?


According to the national drug control policy, many factors determine efficacy:


a) Improvements in employment- Including working more days or getting involved in training programs or school.

b) Improvements in education- Including are attending more often and getting better grades.

c) Relationship improvements: Including ones with friends, family, romantic partners, and co-workers.

d) Improved health: Fewer visits to the hospital, as well as less hospitalisation.

e) Better legal status: Fewer arrests and convictions, and fewer crimes committed.

f) Better mental health: Marked by improved mood and personality traits, higher levels of cognition, reduced psychotic states and needed for treatment.

Is Drug Treatment Worth The Cost?


a) Now that you know what makes drug treatment effective, it might be time to address the cost of drug rehab programs. These treatments are not inexpensive.


b) Inpatient treatment- costs $3,200 on average. 73% of the addict’s complete treatment and 21% remain sober after five years.


c) Residential treatment costs $3,100 on average. 51% addict’s complete treatment and 21% remain sober after five years.


d) Detox-costs $2,200 on average.33% of addicts complete treatment and 17% remain sober after five years.


e) Outpatient drug–free-treatment costs $1,200 on average. 43% of the addict’s complete treatment and 18% remain sober after five years.

  Rehab Options 

Long-term Rehabilitation–The most common form of care for addicted individuals, long-term inpatient treatment offers many advantages. In this setting, patients will stay in a non- hospital treatment centre for a months or more, working through withdrawal and the adverse side effects of addiction.


Short-term Rehabilitation– A shorter form of long-term inpatient care, short-term rehabilitation often lasts from three to six weeks and uses a modified form of the 12 steps. Most short-term programs are followed by extensive time in outpatient care.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.