How long does cocaine stay in your urine

How long does cocaine stay in your urine

It all begins with a seemingly mild offer. One minute you are standing, thinking to try this white powdery substance offered by someone and the next moment you have snorted it.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 How long does cocaine stay in your urine

It all begins with a seemingly mild offer. One minute you are standing, thinking to try this white powdery substance offered by someone and the next moment you have snorted it. Taking it in either by snorting, inhaling or being injected by it takes you to cloud nine. This makes you wonder about its magic properties to throw you into another world.



But then you are concerned suddenly about how long does cocaine stay in your urine system? Is it going to be detected in the medical test you are to take for your college admission tomorrow? or are you going to be safe?Yes, cocaine comes with all the worries after giving you a temporary feeling of joy. But what exactly is cocaine? And how long does cocaine stay in your urine and inside your body?

So how long does cocaine stay in your urine?

how long does cocaine stay in your urine

If someone has consumed cocaine only once, it will remain in the urine from 3 to 5 hours. It may also be detected up to 3 days after being taken. For those who occasionally take cocaine, it may be detectable and stay inside for 3 to 7 days. However, habitual or heavy cocaine intakes result in it being present in the urine system for up to two weeks or 14 days even.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

What is Cocaine?

As to answer how long does cocaine stay in your urine or system in detail,one should have a clear understanding of this drug or substance first.Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant which is fast acting and produces the effects of Euphoria. Previously it was used in medical fields, acting as anesthesia and for vasoconstriction.

But now it is considered an illicit drug. This was because its addiction potential was higher and outweighed the benefits of its therapeutic quality.However, anesthetizing mucous membranes of the laryngeal, oral and nasal cavities still, require cocaine use.

How does it work

Upon taking cocaine, a flood of the neurotransmitter dopamine is triggered into the brain. Dopamine is also called a pleasure hormone. Dopamine production normally halts and gets recycled when it is released. But in the case of cocaine intake, it stays in the brain for some time. This produces a rush of happiness or Euphoria.

how does cocaine work

The Effects of Cocaine

Mild positive effects:

Right after taking cocaine, one would immediately feel euphoric, alert and high. This increase in energy gives them momentary motivation and boosts their confidence. They may also feel extreme oversensitivity to stimuli.

However, not everyone has a tolerance level the same as the other. Thus, cocaine does not always produce favorable effects for all.

It is also important to note that joy or euphoria is only temporary. Staying happy for short intervals requires a continuous intake of cocaine which can, of course, be harmful.


Negative effect:

a) Dilated pupils

b) Increased blood pressure and heart rate

c) An elevated body temperature

d) Anxiety

e) Chest pressure and pain

f) Sweating

g) An inability to feel pleasure

h) Inability to handle pressure or stress


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.