More than 16 million Americans are suffering from diseases caused by smoking as stated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity


Tobacco contains nicotine, a component that can lead to addiction, we can say it is habit-forming. Tobacco chewing has become very common in the United States, it is a widely consumed substance along with alcohol. A lot of people across the United States are struggling with addiction. Lets understand further how people consume tobacco and how to quit chewing tobacco

how to quit chewing tobacco

How do People Consume Tobacco?

Thinking that only cigarettes are the culprit for the tobacco problems in the United States, not the matter. Smokeless tobacco is also dangerous not as much as smoking tobacco but it is still unsafe and can cause deadly diseases.


People can chew, sniff, and smoke tobacco. Chewed tobacco products consist of chewing tobacco, dip, snuff, and snus; snuff can also be sniffed. Smoked tobacco products include cigars, cigarettes, kreteks, and bidis.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

 Dangers of Chewing Tobacco

a) Cancer: People who are chewing tobacco intake the same amount of nicotine as that of smokers and also other 30 chemicals that are harmful to their body leading to cancer. The intake of chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco products creates the risk of oral cancers — cancer of the mouth, gums, lips, cheek, tongue, or throat. White patches and red sores appear in the mouth that can turn into cancer over time. There’s also a high risk of cancers of the esophagus, the long tube that runs from your throat to your stomach and pancreas.


b) Heart Disease:As chewing tobacco increases the consumption of nicotine into the body it causes many ill effects like an increase in heart rate, irregular heartbeats, and an increase in blood pressure. Irregular heartbeats increase the risk of sudden death.


c) Bad breath: Bad breath is the most common thing that happens to people as a consequence of chewing tobacco. Teeth become discolored.


d) Dental Problems: The irritants in smokeless tobacco products can cause gum disease, cavities, receding gums, tooth loss, abrasion of teeth, bone loss around roots, and teeth staining. So it causes dental diseases.


e) Pregnancy Risk:The use of smokeless tobacco during pregnancy may increase a newborn’s risk for brief pauses in breathing during sleep (called sleep apnea) even more so than smoking cigarettes. Also, scientific studies conclude that there are chances of heart rate variability and low birth weight in infants.

How to Quit Chewing Tobacco Today

Yes, you should start quitting from today. Yes it’s tough to quit chewing tobacco as it has become your addiction, it may require a lot of attempts to efficiently quit. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it is more difficult to quit chewing tobacco than smoking. This is because chewing tobacco places more nicotine into your circulation system than cigarettes.


Define Your Reasons to Quit Chewing Tobacco:


a) You may want to lead a healthier life.

b) You want to have healthier teeth and gums.

c) You do not want to have that bad breath after dipping or chewing.

d) You may want to save money.

e) You want to say just “NO TO NICOTINE”

f) The duration of effects totally depends on below factors:

g) You may want to set a good example for friends and family.

h) You want to avoid the risk of getting Mouth Cancer.

i) Womens don’t want to risk their children’s life during pregnancy.

Keep this list always with you to motivate you.

a) Cut Back on Chewing:Cut back on chewing means at least two or three weeks before lower down the amount you chew, try to make it to half. Also, you can switch to different brands of smokeless tobacco which are having less nicotine. Cut down gradually until you stop. If you feel you have the willpower you can go “Cold Turkey”.


b) Stock Pantry with Substitute:Chewing has become an addiction for people consuming tobacco. They develop a craving for that, so to avoid that they can keep other items, a safe substitute in their mouth like: Hard Candy, Sugarless Gum, Beef Jerky, Mints, Sunflower Seeds, Cinnamon Sticks, Carrots, Toothpicks.Remove all chew or snuff and other related products from your car, home, or workplace.


c) Pick a Quit Date:Think about a quit date and mark it down on your calendar. Yes, humans tend to say “Not Now, some other day” or “Ya, I will quit someday” or “Just one last time”. These things bring out the ignorance and eventually there is a delay which can cause health effects.


d) Inform your family & friends:Let your family and friends know about your decision to quit tobacco chewing. Knowing that your loved ones would admire and motivate you to do it. This will give you support and you can easily quit. Surround yourself with people who don’t offer you smokeless tobacco. You may also ask a friend to quit with you.


e) Ask your Doctor about the tobacco-cessation program:Some people are specially trained, they will help you to teach you new things and new habits and will give you ideas making you want to quit. To overcome this nicotine addiction a lot of support is required to encourage and motivate you. A tobacco-cessation program will allow you to talk with health professionals.

Benefits of Quitting

A) Longer Life

B) Break the Addiction

C) Lower Cancer Risk

D) Refreshment of Brain

E) Lower Dental Problems

F) Easier Breathing

G) Lower risk of infection

H) Lower risk of heart diseases

I) Clean Mouth

J) More Energy

K) Lower Pregnancy Risks

L) Good Quality of Life

M) Saves Money

Do You Need Help

You have understood now how to quit chewing tobacco. But it is also important to understand that not everyone can fight the addiction to chewing tobacco.


If you think that individual quitting of smokeless tobacco is not comfortable for you, Call our counselor to know the best treatment centers.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.