What is the need for Morphine Addiction Treatment?

What is the need for Morphine Addiction Treatment?

It is used as medication for pain and even after operations. When one is in pain morphine is given so that his or her brain responds to pain in such a way pain is not felt.

– By John Stene Rehab Blogs, Soberity

 What is Morphine

Morphine is derived from opium poppy plant. It’s an opioid drug. It’s a powerful painkiller. It is classified as opioid analgesics. It is used as medication for pain and even after operations. When one is in pain morphine is given so that his or her brain responds to pain in such a way pain is not felt. It changes the way the brain and nervous system reacts to pain.Used as a medication for pain, morphine can be exceptionally addictive. Yes, its abuse can lead to morphine addiction.Lets see the street names of morphine:


a) White Lady

b) Salt and Sugar

c) Miss Emma/M

d) Emsel

f) Mister Blue

g) God’s Drug

h) Dreamer

i) Morphos

j) Morpho




Morphine can be consumed in different forms which includes injections, capsules and tablets. Morphine reduces pain and releases dopamine which produces the feeling of happiness and euphoric feelings. If it is used as a prescription,then also it can lead to physical dependence as stated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Side-Effects of Morphine Addiction

Physical ill-effects:


A) Mood Swings

B) Dry Mouth

C) Headaches

D) Changes in pupil(Small pupils)

E) Problems in urination

F) Stomach issues like cramps

G) Feelings of nervousness


Psychological side-effects includes:


A) Low stress and worry

B) Loss of pain

C) Feelings of euphoria




Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.

 Need of Morphine Addiction Treatment

A) You can live a quality life: By overcoming morphine addiction, you can live a good quality of life and time spent with loved ones would be memorable.

B) Good Health: There would be a possibility of good health as you will come out of the addiction, drug consumption deteriorates the heath.

C) Sound Body: The body will be relaxed and drug free, mind would be relaxed and refreshed.

D) Save Money: By not spending on drug consumption you will save money.

E) Sound Heart: As the side effect of addiction of morphine includes low in heart rate, so if you overcome the addiction you can have a sound heart condition.

Signs of Morphine Addiction

a) Nausea

b) Low heartbeat

c) Faintness

d) Cold skin

e) Loss of consciousness

f: Drowsiness

g) Shallow breathing

h) Small pupils

i) Blurred vision

Treatment for Morphine Addiction

There can be treatment for any drug addiction. Overcoming morphine addiction can be difficult but not impossible. Once you have decided to quit the addiction, half work is already done and you can definitely come out of it. Treatment involves dual diagnosis, in case you drink alcohol and ingest morphine. Cold turkey, inpatient treatment and outpatient.


Cold Turkey: If you have decided to go for stop use of morphine means you will do it on your own and no professional help is required.

Inpatient Treatment: If you opt for inpatient it means you will stay in the rehab center. There you can take the medical help with lot of therapies and programs.

Outpatient: If you opt for outpatient it means you need not to stay in any rehab center.


Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most difficult challenges you will ever face, but you don’t have to face it alone.